
Hollberg Family Oberammergau Tour

June 19-29, 2022
Tour RSH22 is a private 11-day tour of Germany including the Oberammergau Passion Play. Booking now closed

Reformation Tour and Oberammergau Passion Play

June 18-30, 2022
Tour RTU22, is a 13-day Reformation tour of Germany and France, including excellent seats for the Oberammergau Passion Play. Booking now closed

Reformation Heritage Oberammergau Tour

June 3-14, 2022
Tour RCM22 is a 12-day tour of Germany, including excellent seats for the Oberammergau Passion Play. Booking now closed

Footsteps of Luther Reformation Tour

May 27-June 5, 2022
Tour RFL22 is a 10-day tour of Germany including key Martin Luther sites, including Wittenberg, Eisleben, Erfurt, Eisenach, Worms and Mainz. Now booking

May Oberammergau Reformation Tour

May 15-26, 2022
Tour RPJ22 is a 12-day Reformation tour of Germany, including excellent seats for the Oberammergau Passion Play. Booking now closed

Three Country Reformation Tour

Sample Tour
This is a 13-day sample Reformation tour of Germany, France and Switzerland.

Small Group Luther Tour 2020

March 16-26, 2020
Tour RLU20 is an 11-day small group Luther-themed tour of Germany with 10-13 participants. Flexible itinerary with off-the-beaten track experiences.

July Oberammergau Reformation Tour

June 29-July 10 2020
Tour RPK20 is a 12-day Reformation tour of Germany including excellent seats for the Oberammergau Passion Play

Grand Reformation Tour

May 5-17, 2019
Tour RJM19, led by Frank Drinkhouse, is a 13-day tour of Germany, France and Switzerland. Tour focus: Luther, Calvin, Zwingli, Knox, Hus.

Lutherland and Bavaria Tour

September 27-October 8, 2018
Tour RDM18 is a 12-day tour of Germany and Austria, from September 27-October 8, 2018, hosted by Rev. David Meggers. Tour Focus: Luther Waiting list only