As anticipation is such a big part of the enjoyment of travel, we send our clients a free interactive travel app with links to all the hotels, attractions, a restaurant suggestions and ideas for free time. This can be accessed offline as well, but does require a smart phone.
We also give our travelers receive a custom full-color professionally-printed tour book, which we hope will be a fun souvenir from your travels. You’ll find information about your hotels, descriptions of places on the itinerary, background information on historical figures, as well as language and culture tips. These books are 6′ x 9′ and typically about 100 pages long.
Part of the joy of travel is the friendships that you make along the way and we like to collect traveler biographies, so that you can get to know each other more quickly. We would like to invite you to send in a photo and brief biography to include in the book. Please send this at least 3 months before departure if possible.
Here’s an example:
Frank and Rowena Drinkhouse live in St. Louis, MO. They have two adult children: Rosanna, an Attorney in the UK, and Joshua, a Computer Tech in Troy, NY. Rowena is originally from England, and loves British TV and cups of tea, especially when shared with friends. She runs a British Club in St. Louis. They enjoy being part of their local church, where Rowena serves as a Deacon, and spending time with Turkish friends in St. Louis, having lived in Turkey for several years.